Why is a Safety Management System (SMS) essential to modern railway operations?
An effective safety management system uses risk and quality management methods to achieve its safety objectives and is a systematic approach to managing safety, including the necessary organisational structures, accountabilities, policies and procedures. In addition, SMS also provides the organisational framework to establish and foster the development of a positive, corporate safety culture. The implementation of an SMS gives the organisation’s management a structured set of tools to meet their responsibilities for safety as defined by their regulator.
Management Commitment
Safety Policy
Establishes senior management commitment to continually improve safety. Defines methods and processes needed to meetsafety goals.
Evaluates the continued effectiveness of implemented risk control strategies.
Includes training, communication and other actions to create a safety culture across all levels of the workforce.
Continuous hazard identification that results in risk assessment process to determine suitable control mechanisms.
Risk is probably the most important management process to understand. All railway organisations must accept that they are exposed to risk but what is important is the recognition of those risks and then how they are controlled to an acceptable (tolerable) level. Of course, unless there exists a healthy and robust reporting culture, management will be unaware of the many hazards that may be present in their operation. The reporting culture will make or break the SMS.
Fundamentals of Safety Management
Over the past 70 years, our approach to safety management has changed. Back in the early 50's, safety was concerned primarily with the investigation of accidents: a very reactive process. Eventually, there was the recognition that humans and human performance were a significant contributor to railway accidents: to this day, human factors influence some 80% of events.
Other factors influence the human condition such as the effects of organisational policy (cost cutting, fatigue inducing roster patterns etc.). Furthermore, the general company culture could result in adverse human performance especially those with a “why fix it if it is not broken” attitude. A railway must embrace and promote an enterprise-wide safety culture.
Enterprise-wide safety culture
Modern safety systems will assess all potential root causes of an incident including a thorough drill upwards through the company to determine if there are other organisational or cultural factors at play. Clearly, management have to conduct a careful balancing act between protection and commercial production as shown in the diagram below. Too much focus on protection can limit the operation to the point of bankruptcy, whereas overstretching limited resources to achieve high levels of production can cause mistakes and errors which may lead to serious incidents. By carefully balancing financial and safety management, managers can confine their operation within the "Safety Railway".
The Management Dilemma
In order to allow management to make defensible and correct safety-based decisions, they need to be presented with appropriate information to determine the risk landscape to which their organisation is exposed. This can only be achieved by the establishment of a robust reporting culture in which employees are fully engaged in the management of safety.
All operators are required to establish a Safety Program which, in turn, suggests that all service providers within the rail industry must formulate their own safety management system (SMS) that not only encapsulates the requirements above but also includes the definition of a ‘Company Safety Policy’ and the active promotion of safety throughout the business.
The four required processes are Safety Risk Management, Safety Assurance, Safety Promotion and Safety Policy. All of these components in the SMS are underpinned by “Management Commitment” which is a fundamental requirement to establish a robust SMS within the business. The SMS will underperform if the management team fail to engage their workforce and encourage a healthy and robust reporting culture.
Safety and reporting culture
A good organisational culture is often the prime catalyst for the effectiveness of a safety management system and indeed, SMS implementation. An effective safety management system can only be achieved by the establishment of a good reporting culture, and this can only be delivered if an railway operator has an enterprise-wide approach to safety and a positive, supportive human resource management structure.
The effectiveness of an railway safety management system (SMS) is often measured by the number of reports it receives, therefore, providing an environment and the right technology that encourages voluntary reporting is a critical dynamic in a fully functioning SMS.
Supporting Voluntary Reporting
The problem some railway companies faces is how to develop such an approach when voluntary reporting has traditionally been low. Although a difficult thing to achieve, it is possible with appropriate management commitment and communication, and it is acknowledged that the safest railway companies in the world have a higher than average level of voluntary reports. One thing in common to all of these railway companies is that Safety is taken seriously at an enterprise-wide level.
There are three main areas that can have a material effect upon a good reporting culture:
The organisation must produce and distribute a Safety Policy that is underwritten by the accountable manager (Usually the CEO). This Safety Policy will outline the corporate safety objectives and also identify those managers who have specific safety responsibilities and accountabilities.
Safety promotion is crucial. The workforce will never feel fully engaged in safety management unless the senior team promote their policies and objectives widely.
Providing the workforce with the means to submit reports easily is a vital element in a SMS. Additionally, it provides the safety management team with the ability to store, retrieve and analyse the submitted reports. This is known collectively as the Safety Data Collection and Processing System (SDCPS) and it forms an integral part of the SMS.
Culture is at The Heart Of Safety
In general a failure to understand or address the culture element within an organisation, will mean that the safety management system will not perform as intended. As a consequence, the number of reports will be low, the level of hazard identification poor and the risk of incidents much higher. This in turn can have a dramatic effect upon the commercial effectiveness of the organisation, the ability to allocate limited resources effectively to reduce areas of potential safety and, at a corporate level, an impact upon the balance sheet. Culture is at the heart of an effective, efficient and commercially successful business.
Safety Performance Management, Data Collection and Processing Systems
Safety Performance Management is a key requirement for a functioning SMS. Implemented properly, it will give management an indication of how the business and its processes are performing in terms of meeting its safety objectives. Furthermore, the safety information provided will enable management to make informed and robust, data driven decisions. This is achieved through the identification and monitoring of SPIs that are (ideally) linked to the organisation’s safety objectives.
The diagram below shows how safety performance management fits within the overall SMS of an organisation.
In order to achieve effective safety performance management (SPM), safety data has to be gathered, sorted, stored and recovered via the Safety Data Collection and Processing System (SDCPS). The ERA (European Railway Agency) requires all service providers to develop and maintain an effective method for the collection, recording and formulation of actions for hazards in their operation.
This data is turned into useful safety information by completing various processing and analysis tasks, part of which is the recovery of useful information to determine whether or not the various SPIs are on track to meet their respective targets.
Safety Data Collection Choices
Clearly, each organisation will have differing requirements and priorities when it comes to safety data collection. Identifying and collecting the safety data should be aligned with the organisation’s need to manage safety effectively. In some cases, the SPM process will highlight the need for additional safety data to better assess the impact of a reported hazard and determine the associated risks.
Of importance for an SMS the collected safety data should be of a high quality and, ideally, in a format that allows for the easy dissemination to national authorities.
Equally it is essential that the hosted database is cyber secure, managed appropriately by a skilled IT services function and follows distinct principles around confidentiality, integrity and availability.
Further reading:
How railway safety management software helps reduce safety incidents
How automated safety alerting can support your railway safety management system
How safety performance indicators help railways improve their safety management system
A practical example of a safety management objective and its associated SPI and SPT's
The effect of practical drift on safety management in railway
Safety Management System Technology Solutions
The importance of selecting the right SMS software or software supplier should not be underestimated. Both the right supplier and software can enhance and support the entire approach to safety management whereas incorrect selection can severely disrupt and tarnish the safety objectives of an organisation.
There are a huge number of software suppliers in the SMS market and they all want your business. The internet is full of very glossy looking web pages and many of them claim to offer the “answer to a maiden’s prayer” in the form of a fully integrated suite of products that will not only provide a full SMS but also allow you to become almost predictive. Where do you start?
Selecting a reporting package
The most obvious place to begin your investigation is to decide on a suitable reporting package that is backed up by a robust and secure safety database.
In addition, it is worth at the outset, understanding the heritage of the supplier. A railway-focused supplier is better able to not only understand the railway environment but can usefully provide benchmarking information and networking between your railway company and their other clients.
Safety management software should include the following:
- A reporting system
- A searchable safety database
- Hazard identification and risk assessment structure
- An assurance mechanism
- The ability to monitor SPIs and SPTs
- The means to present safety data in a useable fashion
From a usability perspective there are a number of salient features that merit consideration, here are just a few:
The reporting system must be easy to use and appropriate prompts to reporters should be provided in the form of pop-up boxes.
Modern reporting systems should be accessible both on and off-line via desk top and mobile applications.
The ability to interface with other third-party applications e.g. the crewing system (i.e. AIMS).
- Feedback Automation & Workflows
A feature that allows automatic transmission of reports to the right people and ensures a smooth reporting funnel.
- Menu Consistency and Human Factors (HFAC's) classification
Drop down menus provide consistency for investigators whilst the HFAC's element is a critical area in over 80% of events so is an essential aspect.
The Safety Database
A saying often quoted is that the railway industry is data rich but information poor. This is often because information gathered by the reporting system is then stored in an inefficient or poorly constructed database.
Failure to ensure that this aspect of data management is efficient will result in a number of unintended consequences including:
- Inability to monitor SPI's / SPT's
- Failure to identify emerging trends or highlight ‘Hot Spots’
- Inconsistency in the use of event descriptors hinders cluster reports
- Undetected ‘Latent Issues’
- Misallocation of resources (i.e. missed opportunity to manage identified and unidentified hazards)
The selection of a partner that understands the issues faced by railway organisations in today's busy and dynamic commercial environment is a prerequisite for any business that is focused upon the safety of its operation.
Helping To Select The Right Software
Selecting safety management software that is right for your railway company need not be a burden. The advice we have provided on this page and in the free eBooks should give you the information you need to source a software solution that enhances your safety culture.
In short, a good software application should be able to improve the way you organise and review data, report and investigate incidents and, finally, support safety promotion.
A good safety management software system must be effective at providing a much-improved reporting culture as a result of its easy to use and accessible interface. Additionally, it must facilitate the analysis of reports to identify trends and prevent future incidents – transforming your railway company into a more predictive organisation.
Further reading:
How safety performance management supports your SMS
The importance of safety analysis to support your safety management system